Tunes and whistles about MIPS64-based LoongSon2F CPUs and hardware

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Arora - the Web browser

Arora sounds like Aurora, at least for me. It is QT-based browser, very neat and has a real potential to become one of the favorite.

At the moment, only a few GUI browsers available for Yeeloong. Iceweasel (Firefox's fork), Konqueror (who's using it?) and ... and Arora. This time, Debian has a rather out-dated version of Arora - 0.2. Let's try to play with the latest available - 0.7

That's funny, but Arora 0.6 being run on Windows XP box showed a far better result with ACID3 test, than Arora 0.7 on Yeeloong (images are below). On the right - ACID3 with Iceweasel 3.0.1, MIPS64). 

Here's a CPU workload during the Webkit's Sunspider test:

top - 19:11:26 up 7:06, 3 users, load average: 1.06, 1.00, 0.68
Tasks: 90 total, 2 running, 88 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
Cpu(s): 98.9%us, 1.1%sy, 0.0%ni, 0.0%id, 0.0%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.0%si, 0.0%st
Mem: 1028896k total, 1011312k used, 17584k free, 284928k buffers
Swap: 1052224k total, 0k used, 1052224k free, 298320k cached

And one more test numbers:

Arora 0.7 (Yeeloong, MIPS64)

Iceweasel 3.0.1 (Yeeloong, MIPS64)

Opera 10 (Desktop, AMD Opteron 275, x86)

Arora 0.6 (Desktop, AMD Opteron 275, x86)

Another JS-benchmark.

1) Arora 0.7 (MIPS64)
MD5 Benchmark took 64.707 seconds for 3000 hashes (46 hashes/second)
MD4 Benchmark took 43.428 seconds for 2700 hashes (62 hashes/second)
SHA1 Benchmark took 62.152 seconds for 1900 hashes (31 hashes/second)

2) Iceweasel 3.0.1 (MIPS64)
MD5 Benchmark took 5.293 seconds for 3000 hashes (567 hashes/second)
MD4 Benchmark took 3.961 seconds for 2700 hashes (682 hashes/second)
SHA1 Benchmark took 6.139 seconds for 1900 hashes (309 hashes/second)

3) Arora 0.6 (x86) 2.2GHz AMD Opteron 275, 1G RAM
MD5 Benchmark took 1.438 seconds for 3000 hashes (2086 hashes/second)
MD4 Benchmark took 1.017 seconds for 2700 hashes (2655 hashes/second)
SHA1 Benchmark took 1.438 seconds for 1900 hashes (1321 hashes/second)

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